How IT Can Design and Deliver Solutions to Create a High Performance Court

There is a wave of technological change happening, and it is happening very fast—far too fast for many courts to keep pace with. Most people are using technology in their private lives that is more sophisticated than what they use at the office. Likewise, court “customers” are increasingly more tech-savvy and expect the court to provide services “online” instead of “inline.” Yet many courts still view their court technologists as simply “order takers” who execute against their vision.

High Performance Courts, on the other hand, are characterized by a partnership between court technology, administration, and the bench. The High Performance CIO must be able to:

  • Deliver the basics (system availability, data security) and anticipate the consequences (information privacy policy);
  • Manage a staff of 50 year olds while preparing for the new staff of millennials;
  • Make build vs. buy vs. rent decisions as technology is increasingly becoming available as a brokered service;
  • Balance and align competing project priorities from judges, administrators, justice partners, and the public; and
  • Advise court leadership on where technology can take the court and how best it can support existing processes.

Location: 101 B/C
Time: Tuesday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Presenters: Bryant Baehr, Jim Conlin

Managing a court technology department has many challenges. Internal and external needs change, platforms frequently shift, hiring and retaining staff can be a challenge, setting and communicating technology expectations can be time consuming, and project management and funding have various complexities. Bryant Baehr and Jim Conlin have encountered each of these dynamics and will discuss their insight/successes and challenges as they lead the State of Oregon Judicial Branch through a complete technology transformation.

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Tuesday 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Presenters: Heather Pettit, Michael Singer, Chris Wolf

The importance of security on operations, available tools and services, and an IT security audit checklist.

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Tuesday 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Presenters: Jerry Moyer, Judge Gary Lynch

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Tuesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Presenters: Casey Kennedy, Bob Rath, Lindsey Borschel

Much like the technology sector, disaster recovery planning is always evolving. This session will give an overview of the elements that make for a strong disaster recovery program.  This session will also provide a few technology resources that will aid in planning and execution of disaster recovery.

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Tuesday 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Presenters: Heather Pettit, Amy Ceraso

The Eights Steps courts can use to solve any IT problem or project. Heather Pettit from California has designed a program that helps IT professionals, from CIO to Helpdesk, solve problems and simplify project management.  Amy Ceraso will be taking award winning projects from the Pennsylvania Judiciary through each of the Eight Steps to show how Simple can equal Success! 

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Wednesday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Presenters: Nancy Dietl Griffin, Jeannette Vannoy

Strategic planning for technology in courts has evolved from focusing on the “pieces and parts” of the IT technical infrastructure, such as hardware, software, and IT services, to a process that includes alignment with court business drivers, such as increasing internal court efficiencies, strengthening external partnerships, and increasing access to the public we serve.  To achieve these desired outcomes, it is essential to create a culture of innovation that aligns staff, administrators, and judicial officers to this new technology-infused way of operating.  This session will include a dialogue about technology-strategic-planning efforts and real-world examples of how courts can foster culture change and innovation. Panelists will share their respective experiences in California and Minnesota and share tools for you to bring back to your courts. 

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Wednesday 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Presenters: Mindy Masias, Eric Brown

This informative session will focus on hot-off-the-press research regarding the perceptions and priorities of three main stakeholders in court IT success: IT executives, HR executives, and state court administrators.  The presenters will detail findings in the areas of recruitment, compensation, and retention trends found specifically in court IT. Both presenters have faced real-world recruitment and retention challenges regarding IT and will offer insight regarding how the most recent data are leading to the future makeup of court IT departments.   Attendees will learn about the changes occurring within IT departments and hear real-world feedback from state court administrators and HR professionals.

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Location: 101 B/C
Time: Thursday 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Presenter: Mary DePrez

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